We all have an opportunity to create positive change for the people we care about, no matter our age, background, origin, level of education or role in society.


One of our main ambitions at Mine Leadership is to create a shift in the way leadership is perceived in society.

We believe that too often leadership is simplified to its inspirational side: a practice only reserved to heroes or to people in position of authority, with the underlying assumption that complex, systemic challenges can be solved by decision makers alone.

That vision of leadership not only gives too much importance on the capacity of a few people to make the right decision, but also does not give enough ownership to the others in their capacity to contribute in creating the shift in their environment.

This is the reason why, at Mine Leadership, we emphasize the importance of distinguishing leadership and management as two separate but interconnected practices.

We believe that:

  • Developing managerial skills allows managers to become more efficient at different stages of their career.
  • Developing leadership skills (and therefor acknowledging it as a practice vs. a formal role), allows people at every level of a team/ organization/family/community/country or any other structure, to contribute in making meaningful progress in creating the change they want to happen for this system. It is the practice of making conscious choices and experiments, that we all can make, at anytime, guided by the higher aspiration we are holding for the people around us. 

Our strongest belief is that whether you are in position of authority or not, your voice matters and can inspire others to act.

And if our ability to face our most complex challenges lies in our capacity to call on and develop the leadership that exists in each one of us, it all starts by talking about it.

We may have different leadership challenges, different system, culture, heritage of belief and certitudes but what we all have in common is the inner desire to wish the best for the people we really care about.

So how does it work? 

We invite you to share your definition of leadership and the way you believe leadership could help others in their own reality.

Let’s create together a wave of positive inspiration around leadership.


Very often women leaders feel pressure to conform to the male leadership mode. What I learnt is that once we rely on our emotional intelligence, on our innate strengths such as creativity and collaboration, we overcome many obstacles (real or perceived). A good leader is first of all an aware person: working on becoming aware of who I am, what I can give, why I am here and with whom I working is the key to confidence and spontaneity.
Giorgia Carella
Management Advisor International Committee of the Red Cross - Kenya
Leadership is not about you. It is about motivating others to live up to their best in the endeavour of the common goal and the decisions you make to achieve this.
Alexander Alvaro
Former Vice-President of the European Parliament - Belgium
Il peut y avoir autant de styles de leadership que de personnes. La condition unique est la bonne connaissance de soi même, de ses moteurs et motivations, de ses stresseurs et de ses projections. Afin d’être capable de « s’oublier » pour se mettre au service des autres.
Frederic Henrion
(Ex) VP Human Resources at Suez - France
Without leadership development, people I feel, think leadership is all about giving orders and pushing production when nothing could be further from the truth. We should be developing leaders to set expectations, set goals and visions, provide tools to aid employees, develop leaders who trust their people and allow them to be successful.
Ellis Ritz
Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Meyvn - USA
Leadership for me is the capacity to inspire engagement around oneself – irrespective of where you are in the pecking order. Both young and experienced team members can lead on different subjects in our new economy. Being able to energize and give a sense of direction are key to getting results, developing our people & retaining talent. We need to develop leadership in new ways today to assure the sustainability of our organizations.
Director Leadership Academy at SUEZ - Paris
Leadership is all about relationships and connection. And all relationships start with the relationship with yourself. I believe that we create our reality and everyone can decide and choose what reality, resonance and connection you want to manifest within yourself, with others and in the world.
Annabelle Caroline Breuer Udo
Coach - Germany
Leadership starts with the realization of Your worth and value to others and the world at large followed by your offering of your gifts in a process that gives you joy and creates a positive impact in your environment.
Zsaklin Szalanczi
Coach & trainer - Hungary
Leadership is a safe play ground to meet yourself, some of your core believes, boundaries, limitations and fears, your patterns of communications, conflict solving process, expectations from life ,hopes and dreams. With very carefully constructed experiential activities and professional guidance you are invited encourage to stretch and go beyond what you believe is possible for you, knowing and feeling you have a very supportive loving human net to witness and praise you.
Judith Birman
Consultant - Israel
Leadership for me is waking up in the morning and feeling alive and owning every part of me. It’s creating and responding with others, reading the temperature in a room and being present. Life is an adventure.
Susie Izumi
Project Manager British Embassy - Japan
Looking at your own convictions and being open to change them, will help you and your direct reports to have open and sincere conversations.
Stéphanie Kuth
Executive Coach | Talent Developer | Talent Management - Belgium
Leadership development is very important everywhere, regardless in which background or context you are working, leaders should take steps very carefully during decision making specially in war zones such as Afghanistan, where a small mistake can create a lot of tension to the company and even to the personal background of the leader.
Hafizullah Safi
Economic Security Generalist at ICRC - Afghanistan
I have been in leadership role off and on during my life, and initially I was only relating leadership with courage and braveness. I was not aware that there are number of aspects needs to be learn to become effective leader. For instance, self-awareness is the base of leadership.
Imran Latif Khan
Physical Rehabilitation Team Leader at International Committee of the Red Cross - Pakistan
Le développement du leadership est devenu un des éléments clé de succès des nouveaux modes de fonctionnement des organisations. Les structures évoluent avec moins de niveaux hiérarchiques ; A tour de rôle, en fonction des projets, chacun est susceptible de devenir un leader en interaction avec les autres, chacun accompagne et favorise la progression collective.
Henri Monistrol
Délégué Responsable des talents at Global Gaz & GNL Engie - France
For me, leadership is about personal responsibility and sense of agency. It is about making choices in line with your values and having the courage to stand behind those choices. It has little to do with your position within your organization, and it has everything to do with your position in your own life.
Alla Grabovska
Experienced business leader and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach - Belgium
Everyone has its own definition of leadership and in my point of view all of them are right, because leadership itself is for me an expression of our own beliefs. I personally believe that everyone is here in this moment, for one specific reason, for one purpose and fulfilling that is part of our human nature and the best way to express our purpose (or Ikigai) is by sharing it with the world, by taking the leadership of our own lives.
Elizabeth Escobar Puerta
Admin & Financial Consultant for Development projets I Organizational & life Coach - Belgium
In 2020 and beyond, leadership will need to systematically and courageously dismantle their egoic and confrontational views. In simpler words leadership will have to get out of their own headspace as experts and problem solvers and show vulnerability. And help others (individuals/teams/groups) find their own answers. Be more coach like as a leader, with understanding, self-awareness and curiosity in their leadership styles.
Richard Gordon Kelly
Executive Coach · Performance Coach · People Manager - Belgium
Leadership to me, is the ability to influence others around you, especially in the positive way. Strong and good institutions rely on good leadership which has to be molded through a sense of service. In essence the greatest form of leadership is the servant leadership which involves. This is because someone who is conscious about the growth of others would have to be in a constant phase of learning and personal growth. We cannot give what we don’t have, and it takes just one person to make a difference and that person could be anyone who takes upon himself/herself to make lives for others better. If we all practice to be our own leaders, the world would be a better place to live.
Steve Fonkou
Project Director at BLOOD TRACK - Belgium
Being able to gather people with different skills, goals and values and to drive them towards success while making yourself growing with them.
Steven Lam
Founder, Career Coach & HR Consultant at MySpring - Belgium

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