‘Leadership is Yours’

The quality of leadership drives your efficiency at facing your most complex human related challenges – Pierre Mine founder at Mine Leadership

Discover our services

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Assessment/ Development Centers

Ready to support the growth, the retention and the succession of your leaders?

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Leadership Program

Ready to unleash the leadership potential within your organization?

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Coaching (Individual & teams)

Ready to make progress on your toughest individual & team challenges ?

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Keynote speaking

Ready to receive new perspectives on leadership from inspirational speakers?

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Our clients

Over the last years, we have been trotting the world supporting leaders from different culture, background or level of education, including:



Senior executives, high potentials, first time leaders coming from China, USA, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Australia, Morocco, New Caledonia and all-around Europe…


Doctors, engineers, social workers and humanitarian field agents running complex operations in countries facing adaptive challenges such as Syria, Irak, Afghanistan, Palestine, Mali, South Soudan…


Students from different level of education (Executives program, Business School graduates, High school students…)


Governments, politicians and lobbyists

Pierre et ses équipes parviennent à créer un environnement propice à l’apprentissage en intégrant une expertise forte – provenant d’apports et de disciplines très variés – tout en favorisant une posture de questionnement permettant aux participants d’adopter le changement de façon consciente, durable et porteuse de sens...
Karine Fernet Scherer
Head of Human Resources for Crédit Agricole SA
Mine Leadership promotes a global and daring vision of leadership that we need more than ever in order to successfuly leverage positive change in the current context we are all facing.
Luana Tavares
Executive Director CLP - Brasil
Over the years, Pierre has been successfully coaching our leaders all around the world to develop strong leadership and management skills to support ICRC’s mission to protect and assist people affected by armed conflicts and other situations of violence.
Feena May
Head of the Global Learning and Development Division - International Comitee of the Red Cross - Switzerland
Pierre (Founder of Mine Leadership) is a very competent Professional: efficient, dynamic, Customer centric and innovative. I would definitely recommend him and Mine Leadership for developing efficient leadership solution.
Stéphanie Bonnivert
(Ex) Directrice Learning & Diversité SUEZ - France
Mine leadership has been facilitating with us a series of bootcamp in the Sahara desert in Africa, adapting their approach to people coming from various culture and background. I would strongly recommend Pierre (founder) if you need to design learning curriculum and facilitate powerful transformational process in a multi cultural context.
Ellis Ritz
Co-Founder Meyvn Global
...Je voulais vous remercier pour notre session de travail ce matin. Vous (Pierre & Audrey) rayonnez tous les deux d’une humanité incroyable. Cela créée une atmosphère détendue, propice à la réflexion, à l’échange. J’ai adoré cette séquence : autant travailler sur ma lettre et ma maxime que d’écouter celle des autres. Je vous remercie beaucoup pour ce que vous êtes et ce que vous faites pour nous...
Karin Fritsch
Développement RH_Total Consulting

Our offices

Luxembourg Offices

46A, Avenue John F. Kennedy

L-1855 Luxembourg


HQ : Brussels

15-23 Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur

B-1050 Brussels, Belgium


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